Women, Infants & Children (WIC)

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a federally funded program administered by the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) through Guiding Right, Inc. (GRI) that provides nutrition education and supplemental foods for those who qualify.

Who is elgible?

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a federally funded program administered by the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) through Guiding Right, Inc. (GRI) that provides nutrition education and supplemental foods for those who qualify.

Purpose of WIC

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a federally funded program administered by the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) through Guiding Right, Inc. (GRI) that provides nutrition education and supplemental foods for those who qualify.

The purpose is provide specific supplemental foods for good health and nutrition during critical times of growth and development. Foods provided by the program supply calcium, protein, iron, fiber, and vitamins A, D, and C. Through WIC services we also strive to emphasize the relationship between proper nutrition and good health, placing special emphasis on the nutritional needs of pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants and children under five (5) years of age. Finally, with WIC, Guiding Right encourages clients to achieve a positive change in food habits, resulting in improved status and in the prevention of nutrition related problems through optimal use of the supplemental foods and other nutritious foods provided.

Who is eligible?

  • Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have recently given birth
  • Infants
  • Children up to the age of five

Who can apply?

  • A parent, guardian or proxy may apply for benefits.

Who can I qualify for benefits?

  • Live in the state of Oklahoma
  • Have a family income within program limits (if you receive income from a job, you may still qualify)
  • You will need to provide proof of identification, income, and address when you come in for your WIC appointment
  • You may be eligible for WIC if you receive Medicaid, Food Stamps, or TANF benefits


What does WIC provide?

  • Quality nutrition and breastfeeding education and counseling
    Nutritious foods to improve diet and health
    Breast pumps to mothers who qualify
    Referrals to health and social services.

Documented Benefits of WIC

Studies show WIC helps:

  • Reduce miscarriages and get babies off to a healthier start
  • Reduce premature births
  • Increase the birth weight of newborns
  • Decrease the incidence of iron deficiency anemia in children
  • Improve the diets of women who are pregnant or have recently given birth
  • Achieve recommended weight gain throughout pregnancy
  • Increase early prenatal care
  • Improve children’s diet to make them healthier
  • WIC participation has also been associated with improved intakes of protein, calories and other nutrients in the diets of pregnant women and children. Improved utilization of immunization services by children has also been found.

Who is Guiding Right, Inc.?

Guiding Right, Inc., is the leading Black health organization in Oklahoma. Our mission is to improve access to healthcare, systems and services that improve the quality of life among Black and other marginalized populations in Oklahoma. Thank you for stopping by today. Please let us know how we can help you.

Do you know someone with HIV/AIDS who needs help?

Guiding Right offers so many wonderful services to people with HIV/AIDS. We treat our clients with the utmost dignity and respect and every conversation is 100 percent confidential. Please share our information with your friends and family.


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GRI Celebrates 25th Anniverary (Video)

GRI Celebrates 25th Anniverary (Video)

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Guiding Right helps improve the lives of the most vulnerable people in our community. Thank you for supporting our efforts to bring WIC to the people who need it the most.  

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