Free At-Home HIV Test Kit

In just a few days, you will receive a discreet package in the mail with your test kit and a set of instructions. 

Shame is the enemy of action

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THRIVE (Treatment, Referrals, InterVentions, and Education) is a program to prevent and reduce substance abuse/misuse and transmission of HIV/AIDS among racial/ethnic minorities at increased risk for HIV/AIDS. Click here to learn more.

Access RX Wellness

Guiding Right’s Access RX Wellness Program helps alleviate many financial burdens related to medication and/or office visit copays.


Stigma, discrimination, homophobia and judgment from family and friends put African Americans at higher risk for HIV. Guiding Right works every day to prevent roadblocks to routine HIV testing and HIV preventative care. We are on the frontlines of policy work to end the HIV epidemic in Oklahoma. 

New Hope Wellness Center

New Hope Wellness Center provides access to healthcare services for minority and LGBT+ communities in Oklahoma.


There are  many barriers to obtaining PrEP including insurance, copays, doctor bias, stigma, etc. We can help you overcome those obstacles and receive medicine that is highly effective for preventing HIV.

Health Screenings

Guiding Right provides FREE health screenings for HIV and other sexutally transmitted infections. According to the CDC, 1 in 7 African Americans living with HIV are unaware they have it. Without knowing you have HIV, you cannot take advantage of the treatments that can lead to viral suppression and prevent you from unknowingly transmitting the virus to others. Give us a call. We can help!

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Guiding Right provides free health screenings and testing for sexually transmitted infections including HIV, syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Testing & COuNSELING

Guiding Right provides highly trained and confidential HIV counseling and testing. These services can be provided in the office or off-site. 

Ryan White Part B Clinic

Guiding Right is honored to serve the community as a Ryan White Part B Clinic. Our program is CLEAR! (Choosing Life: Empowerment! Action! Results!), an evidence-based, health promotion intervention for males and females ages 16 and older living who are living with or at high risk for HIV/AIDS. 

You are not alone. We can help you.

HIV/AIDS is a highly stigmatized disease, especially within the African American community; therefore, acquiring the virus often produces feelings of fear, shame, and isolation.

This hinders so many who have been infected with or affected by the disease from accessing proper treatment and care and/or support services. Hence, the beginning of GRI, whose aim is to promote and provide culturally appropriate education and life skills training to persons of all ages to decrease social, economic, and health disparities including (HIV/AIDS) for high risk populations with special emphasis on women, African Americans and youth within the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and the Tulsa MSA.

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Confidential HIV counseling and testing is offered by the staff of Guiding Right, Inc. These services can be provided in the office or off-site. The staff at Guiding Right, Inc. is trained by the Oklahoma State Department of Health HIV/STD Service to conduct HIV counseling and testing. Guiding Right, Inc. also has CDC trained counselors who can provide Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody Testing. Results are available in as little at 1 minute!

Why should I get tested?

Finding out your HIV test results lets you know if you need to get treatment. Also, counseling and testing can be a good way to educate yourself about HIV and your own risk. Counseling involves talking with a trained counselor before and after taking the HIV test. You can ask questions about HIV, talk about your risk of getting HIV, and raise any concerns or fears about testing you may have.

Guiding Right, Inc. also offers CONFIDENTIAL health screenings for Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Viral Hepatitis. You deserve to get treatment!

PrEP Access

PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) can reduce your chance of getting HIV from sex or injection drug use. When taken as prescribed, PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV.

Guiding Right’s FREE PrEP Access is for those with or without insurance interested in taking control of their sexual health. Utilizing our Access Wellness Program, we have created an opportunity for our clients to access PrEP regardless of their health insurance status. We understand there are already many barriers to obtaining PrEP including insurance, copays, doctor bias, stigma, etc. We want to help those who are ready overcome those obstacles. 

Check out our Events Calendar and join us!


Choosing Life: Empowerment! Action! Results!

CLEAR! (Choosing Life: Empowerment! Action! Results!) is an evidence-based, health promotion intervention for males and females ages 16 and older living with HIV/AIDS or at high-risk for HIV. CLEAR is a client-centered program delivered one-on-one using cognitive behavioral techniques to change behavior patterns that place individuals at risk for Sexually Transmitted Infections.

OUTREACH Services: Health Education and Risk Reduction

Guiding Right’s OUTREACH Services program encourages prevention of HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infection’s (STIs). Outreach services are provided in high-risk areas/venues where risky behaviors have been known to take place. The goal of this program is to promote risk reduction practices to individuals at risk for HIV/AIDS/STIs and offer referrals for other needed services.


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Thank you for helping us continue our work to reach marginalized communities suffering unduly with AIDS and HIV. 

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